Friday, August 24, 2007

Summer Vacations

It's getting really close...
Vacations will start. As usual flight itinerary can be found below...

Travel Plan:
25/08/2007 Brussels - Milan Malpenza 07:15 - 08:50 (AZ145)
25/08/2007 Milan Malpenza- Sofia 14:35 -17:40 (AZ532)
08/09/2007 Istanbul- Rome 17:40 -19:20 (AZ703)
08/09/2007 Rome - Brussels 21:15 - 23:30 (AZ 164)

02/09/2007 Istanbul - Antalya 10:45 -~ 11:45 (Onurair)
08/09/2007 Antalya -Istanbul 12:45 - 13:45 (Onurair)

Places to visit:
Milan (Italy)
Sofia (Bulgaria)
Plodvid (Bulgaria)
Veliko Tarnovo (Bulgaria)
Varna? (Bulgaria)
Istanbul (Turkey)
Antalya (Turkey)
Beldibi (Turkey)

One thing that I found interesting was that we will have the opportunity to go through several means of transport.. i.e.:
Airplane (as you could see above)
Car (within Bulgaria)
Train (Bulgaria to Istanbul)
Boat (on the Bosphorus canal)
Bus (in Anatalya)

And also we will have the opportunity to see:
A city with more population that any in Europe
One of the countries in Europe (Bulgaria roots came to some thousands of year ago)
One of the most famous mountains (Carphants)
2 famous beach resorts (Black sea in Bulgaria and on the Aegean/Med sea in Turkey)
2 different alphabets (Cyrillic and Turkish)

and I'm sure much more including wonderful people...

Looking really forward to it!!

Monday, July 30, 2007


Just because I'm not posting, doesn't mean that life isn't treating me well:)

See below..
Pics from:
Playing Squash
Amazing visit to Rome
Gent Festival
Brussels Festival

Friday, July 27, 2007


It´s true... for the good and for the bad I will stay longer in Brussels..
I´m moving job (inside the same company) and will also move apartment (goodbye to dear Zaventem soon) to somewhere (still to be discovered.. Help!!) in the center.
I´ll be travelling longer and will have less (Yes, even much less of what´s now) connection to the internet!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Werchter Music Festival

During the last week of June I had the possibility to enjoy the superb Music Festival in Werchter.

First question, you may ask, where's that?
Honestly I thought that was close to Leuven as the only recommended way to get there was to go by train to Leuven and afterwards catch a bus to the place... actually, the transportation was quite cumbersome as the distances were huge between things, but on the positive side, we can always make some exercise:) It never took me less than 1 hour and half from door to door.. the place was literally in the middle of nowhere..

Also the public audience was quite huge, mainly after the 1st day.. I would say close to 100.000 people a day. I also can say that is not the most enthusiastic audience.. sometimes can even be frustrating to see people not moving or dancing while the music is echoing in your brain and mixing with your senses.. nonetheless we made the party by ourselves as the line-up was simply outstanding.

One of the main reasons why I decided to come was to get more into the new musical bands and to understand what might be worthwhile to hear more or not...

The company was also very good and key to enjoy the concerts.

Below you could find a ranking of the performance (stage performance only!!) of the musical bands that I had the opportunity to see (many were missed):

1. Pearl Jam (Day2) - Just unbelievably good! Outstanding!!
2. Muse (Day1) - What a professional play!!
3. Metallica (Day4) - They know everything by heart! And the people as well..
4. Keane (Day3) - Very good... was almost like a hit parade.. always involving the audience..
5. Kaiser Chiefs (Day2) - If the music is not the best, for music festivals it's really the kind of music that puts you in a good mood
6. The Killers (Day3) - Symphonic rock.. good performers
7. Bloc Party (Day2) - Audience seemed not to be in the same page.. I understand that they are normally very good in stage..
8. Bjork (Day1) - Was OK! First 30 minutes was gorgeous.. afterwards is getting a little bit repetitive
9. Queens of the Stone Age (Day2) - Rock and Rock and Rock!! Like a stone!!
10. The Chemical Brothers (Day3) - The concert where people got more involved with... surprising to see that the techno-rock really got into the people.. everyone was jumping
11. Arctic Monkeys (Day2) - Millions of records sold.. very very poor performance on stage.. Only the kids where jumping
12. Incubus (Day4) - a flop in my opinion... the sound was not good, that might work as an excuse.. no involvement with the public
13. Peter Gabriel (Day3) - Was he suppose to be playing here?
14. Marilyn Manson (Day1) - So many many problems with sound.. it literally didn’t have speakers... difficult for them, and with a Prima-Donna as Manson, it's even worse.. but is always fun to see them.

PS: Many Thanks for the pics and videos from A.C. and Luis!!

Friday, June 15, 2007

Examen de français

I received the below mail today... needless to say, on last couple months I went ZERO times...however I always love to make exams (doesn´t necessarily translates in wanting to see the results:))

Bonsoir à tous!

Je vous rappelle que l'examen de français aura lieu mardi 19 juin à 19h dans le local habituel. Je ne serai pas là, mais quelqu'un viendra vous donner les copies et vous surveiller!

Si vous avez des questions, vous pouvez m'envoyer un mail, je vous répondrai volontiers.

Je vous envoie ici le récapitulatif de ce qu'il faut savoir pour mardi prochain...

Vous recevrez vos résultats chez vous, si vous avez réussi (la réussite est fixée à 60%). Si vous êtes en échec, vous pouvez passer l'examen de la 2e session, qui se déroule le 28 août à 19h à l'Institut. En cas d'échec, je vous enverrai un mail pour vous prévenir...

L'examen est seulement écrit. Je donne une note orale en fonction de votre travail de toute l'année (pour ceux que je n'ai pas beaucoup vus, ça va être difficile...)

Comme je ne serai pas là la semaine prochaine, il y a des chances qu'on ne se revoie plus. Je vous souhaite donc bonne chance pour l'examen, mais aussi (et surtout), bonne route, et tout le bonheur du monde à chacun d'entre vous. J'ai eu beaucoup de plaisir à vous connaître et à partager mes mardis soirs avec vous!


B1 : Récapitulatif
- l’expérience et le parcours professionnel
- le parcours scolaire et universitaire
- l’heure et les moments de la journée
- les nombres
- les jours de la semaine, les saisons, les mois
- la famille
- les bâtiments d’une ville
- la chronologie
- les sentiments
- les loisirs
- les pièces d’un logement
- les monuments
- l’orientation dans l’espace
- les mesures
- la description d’un personnage
- la description d’un lieu
- les comparatifs
- les superlatifs
La phrase
- la phrase interrogative (où, quand, comment, pourquoi, combien, à qui, quel, qui, est-ce que, avec quoi, qui est-ce qui, qu’est-ce qui, qui…)
- la réponse à l’interrogation (à cause de, parce que, oui, non, si…)
- la proposition subordonnée relative (j’aime les hommes qui s’habillent bien)
- la proposition subordonnée circonstancielle de temps (quand il fait beau, je vais à la mer)
- la comparaison
- il y a
Le verbe
- le présent de l’indicatif
- le passé composé conjugué avec l’auxiliaire avoir et l’auxiliaire être (accord du participe passé)
- l’impératif présent
- le conditionnel présent
- le gérondif
- l’imparfait
- le futur simple
- le futur proche (je vais + infinitif)
- le passé récent (je viens de + infinitif)
- le présent progressif (je suis en train de + infinitif)
- verbe + infinitif avec ou sans préposition « à » ou « de » (je veux voyager, je préfère continuer à discuter, j’ai arrêté de fumer)
- les verbes pronominaux
Les prépositions
- les prépositions de temps
- les prépositions de lieu
Le nom
- les pronoms compléments
- le superlatif de l’adjectif qualificatif
- quelqu’un/quelque chose
- ne…personne, ne…rien
Compétences de communication
- rédiger un Curriculum Vitae
- comprendre un Curriculum Vitae
- se présenter à un entretien d’embauche
- comprendre un texte informatif
- donner son emploi du temps habituel
- donner son avis
- demander et donner des conseils
- s’excuser et se justifier
- raconter un souvenir au passé
- raconter des événements
- demander et donner des informations sur un itinéraire
- décrire un logement
- raconter une histoire au passé

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Crowd at Lisbon Airport Arrivals

Can someone explain me why Lisbon Airport is the one that have, proportional, more people waiting for the arrival of friends and family? (no, I didn´t base myself in any statistics)
Even though, cannot be considered as a hub given the small air traffic, gives always a warm welcome to everyone that arrives and can see most of the times, 3 or 4 times more people waiting than the ones arriving.

I must say, that I love to see and feel that welcome!

Portugal - May 2007

I spent the weekend before the last in Portugal!!
What can I say more than that was simply fabulous!!

Unfortunately, not enough time to see everyone:(

Hope to see u soon, and do not forget that you have an open door here in Brussels:)

PS: sorry for long time without writing, now I’m penciling everything in a row.. maybe too much, but have fun watching the pics.


With the almost extinction of the Limbo, will I get my salvation as a non-Baptized?
It´s time also to applaud the church decision!

Fading practice?

Limbo has been in limbo for quite some time, but is now on its way to extinction.

A Vatican committee that spent years examining the medieval concept published a much-anticipated report Friday, concluding that unbaptized babies who die may go to heaven.

That could reverse centuries of Roman Catholic traditional belief that the souls of unbaptized babies are condemned to eternity in limbo, a place that is neither heaven nor hell. Limbo is not unpleasant, but it is not a seat alongside God.

Catholic doctrine states that because all humans are tainted by original sin, thanks to Adam and Eve, baptism is essential for salvation. But the idea of limbo has fallen out of favor for many Catholics, who see it as harsh and not befitting a merciful God.

The Vatican's International Theological Commission issued its findings — with the approval of Pope Benedict XVI — in a document published by the Catholic News Service, the news agency of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. The commission is advisory, but the pope's endorsement of the document appears to indicate his acceptance of its findings.

Limbo, the commission said, "reflects an unduly restrictive view of salvation."

"Our conclusion," the panel said in its 41-page report, is that there are "serious theological and liturgical grounds for hope that unbaptized infants who die will be saved and brought into eternal happiness." The committee added that although this is not "sure knowledge," it comes in the context of a loving and just God who "wants all human beings to be saved."

Extracted from LA Times


I never expected to be so addicted to the American series, but Dr. House, Carnivale and Heroes are superb and quality productions.
I surrend! And seeing it with a good company is even better!

Brussels - May 2007

Most of the Pictures thanks to Lori!

Mons - May 2007

Cesária Évora- May 2007


Oslo - May 2007

London - March 2007

Monday, June 04, 2007


Funny this article that I found on the internet…
We all make mistakes in google search that we can correct given the further suggestion, however do we know what are the most common misspellings (or should I say mispelings?).
My highlight goes to Britney Spears, which hits 2 times on the top20… that might have some correlation with the fans??

Everyone has certain words they struggle to spell correctly. When it comes to spelling, we're not perfect you can count on us to occasionally botch recieve (sic), accomodations (sic), and relavant (sic). With the Scripps National Spelling Bee on the horizon, we figured it was a perfect time to come clean about our erroneous ways.
The superb spellers at the Bee will rake in even more Buzz this year with the finals being televised in prime time on ABC. Searches on "spelling bee" have doubled over the last week and we've seen related search spikes on "national spelling bee," "spelling words," and "commonly misspelled words."
What are the common words that vex our searchers? We applied our best spell checking skills to the data and came up with this list of the top 20 misspelled words in Search...

1. Wallmart (Wal-Mart)
2. Rachel Ray (Rachael Ray)
3. Amtrack (Amtrak)
4. Hillary Duff (Hilary Duff)
5. Katherine McPhee (Katharine McPhee)
6. Britany Spears (Britney Spears)
7. Geneology (Genealogy)
8. Jaime Pressley (Jaime Pressly)
9. Volkswagon (Volkswagen)
10. Wikepedia (Wikipedia)
11. William Sonoma (Williams-Sonoma)
12. Tatoo (Tattoo)
13. Travelosity (Travelocity)
14. Elliot Yamin (Elliott Yamin)
15. Kiera Knightley (Keira Knightley)
16. Kelly Pickler (Kellie Pickler)
17. Brittney Spears (Britney Spears)
18. Avril Lavinge (Avril Lavigne)
19. Rianna (Rihanna)
20. Jordan Sparks (Jordin Sparks)

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Coiffure Liliane

After many many many questions about what's the Coiffure.

You can see a flavour on this photos, a video of the last in-house performance and also a link to their internet site.
Coiffure Lilliane

I can say that's quite an alternative place, I would not call it fancy, but have an own environment and special taste.

Monday, May 21, 2007


5 months later here I go again....

19h35 BRUSSELS BRU TP 615 - 21h15 LISBON
18h55 LISBON TP 618 - 22h25 BRUSSELS

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Where is your vote?

#1 - You are a social liberal. Like all liberals, you believe in individual freedom as a central objective - but you believe that lack of economic opportunity, education, healthcare etc. can be just as damaging to liberty as can an oppressive state. As a result, social liberals are generally the most outspoken defenders of human rights and civil liberties, and combine this with support for a mixed economy, with an enabling state providing public services to ensure that people's social rights as well as their civil liberties are upheld.
#2 - You are a social democrat. Like other socialists, you believe in a more economically equal society - but you have jettisoned any belief in the idea of the planned economy. You believe in a mixed economy, where the state provides certain key services and where the productivity of the market is harnessed for the good of society as a whole. Many social democrats are hard to distinguish from social liberals, and they share a tolerant social outlook.
#3 - You adhere to the Third Way. The Third Way is a fairly nebulous concept, but it rests on the idea of combining economic efficiency - i.e. a market economy with some intervention - with social responsibility. The focus is emphatically on the community as a whole, and not necessarily equality per se. Adherents of the Third Way range from moderate to conservative in their social views, and have recently been willing to take a "tough" line on a range of social issues.
#4 - You are an ecologist or green. You believe that the single greatest challenge of our time is the threat to our natural environment, and you feel that radical action must be taken to protect it - whether in the enlightened self-interest of humanity (in the tradition of 'shallow ecologism') or, more radically, from the perspective of the ecosystem as a whole, without treating humans as the central species (deep ecologism).
#5 - You are a market liberal. You adhere to the traditional liberal belief in freedom, and take this to mean negative rather than positive freedom - i.e. a slimmed-down state is the best guarantor of freedom. You will therefore support a laissez-faire economic policy, and you will be reasonably tolerant on the social front - though less emphatically so than social liberals.
#6 - You are a classical socialist, believing in equality of outcome as a principle. This might mean greater equality (e.g. Old Labour), or as close to absolute equality as possible. However, you will believe in an extensive public sector, covering not just public services (transport, healthcare etc.) but probably also the 'commanding heights' of industry (e.g. iron and steel). Your views on personal morality will be reasonably tolerant, in general, but there is considerable variation within this political group.
#7 - You are a libertarian conservative. You hold that the free market is the best way of organising economic activity, but you combine this with adherence to more traditional social values of authority and duty.
#8 - You are an anarcho-capitalist. Anarcho-capitalists take the Jeffersonian belief that "that government is best which governs least", and extend it - "that government is best which governs not at all". The theory of anarcho-capitalism is that the market can replace the state as a regulator of individual behaviour (resulting in private courts, private policing etc.).
#9 - You are a communist. You believe, at least in theory, in absolute equality of income - and you oppose the whole capitalist system per se. You want to abolish the market economy and replace it with one in which the workers (usually meaning the state) control the building blocks of the economy. Your views on personal morality will vary; traditional communists tended to be more authoritarian, while modern "eurocommunists" tend to take a liberal line.
#10 - You are a Christian democrat - or, in the UK, a "One Nation conservative"; in other words, although you share the usual conservative belief in stability and duty, you believe that such duties include a responsibility on the part of the better-off to help those who are less fortunate. You will be socially conservative, but in favour of a mixed economy where the state does have a role in providing public services. Christian democracy arose after World War II, succeeding more doctrinaire Catholic parties dating from the 1870s.
#11 - You are an anarcho-communist, aiming for a society without the state, based on small, decentralised groups living communally.
#12 - You are a fascist. You combine a strong belief in the nation with authoritarian social values, and a willingness to impose your views upon ot
hers. You strongly oppose immigration, and are willing to take radical action to combat it.
Thanks to a friend of mine for the posting!
I will tend for #2.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Geração recibo verde

por Clara Martins

Primeiro foram apelidados de 'rasca', por serem uma geração sem ideais, quase fútil. Hoje são impedidos de pensar muito sobre o futuro, sob pena de se reverem num cenário não muito risonho.

No início eram os 'rascas'. Foi Vicente Jorge Silva que fez o favor de os chamar assim, num memorável editorial do Público - de que era na altura director - sobre um protesto que visava o aumento das propinas. Referia-se a uma geração de jovens portugueses - hoje ainda jovens mas não tanto - que considerava vazios de ideais e fúteis pelo hábito da vida sempre facilitada.

- Mas porque seriam rascas, o que os marcou e onde estão agora?

Quando eram miúdos viam todos as mesmas séries na televisão, adoravam e comoviam-se com o 'Marco'; alegravam-se com o 'Verão Azul', comiam todos as mesmas cinco marcas de bolachas disponíveis no mercado, os mesmos gelados, passavam férias no Algarve, em Benidorm, ou então na 'terra' dos pais ou avós.

Ainda se lembram de demorar um dia inteiro a chegar ao destino, do outro lado do País, a cantar e a jogar durante toda a viagem, com um piquenique pelo meio, debaixo de um frondoso pinheiro numa qualquer mata ainda por arder. Começaram a fazer reciclagem nesses piqueniques, quando diziam aos avós e ainda aos pais que era feio deixar aqueles restos para trás.

Assistiram ao advento do hipermercado, que lhes mudou a vida, enchendo-a de variedade, nos dias de romaria à grande loja e, mais tarde, ao enorme shopping.

Começaram a vestir Zara quando ainda era diferente e tornaram-na uniforme. É lá que ainda se revovam camisolas de lã já cheias de borboto a cada inverno, e se reforma o roupeiro com as novas tendências, porque a carteira não permite outras aventuras.

Ainda leram muitos livros, e continuam a folhear, uma mão na obra, outra no rato.

A Internet só surgiu nas suas vidas quando a maioria já tinha ultrapassado a 'fase do armário', não puderam, como agora, esclarecer as suas dúvidas existenciais através do Google e, apesar de não terem lá muitos ideais, inauguraram o conceito 'festival de verão', habituados à natureza, em contacto com a qual brincavam quando eram miúdos, alheios à Playstation que só se popularizou quando já eram jovens adultos.

Depois veio a universidade, e o estatuto de estudante vai-se ainda prolongando ao longo da vida desta gente que nunca terá uma reforma e que vive entre o recibo verde e a bolsa de investigação.

Normalmente tudo começa com um estágio profissional, a luz ao fundo do túnel para quem acaba o seu curso. É o primeiro passo no mundo do trabalho, a primeira experiência e às vezes única na área em que se estudou.

Ser bem sucedido é, para esta geração, trabalhar na área que se elegeu para estudar, não fazer muitas vezes o caminho com destino ao Centro de Emprego da área de residência, que está em constante mutação, e ter um salário que nunca ultrapassa (nos casos de maior sucesso) os mil euros.

Estão agora na casa dos trinta, mas a maioria continua a viver como se tivesse 20. A casa dos pais é sempre uma boa (e económica) alternativa, mas a casa partilhada continua a ser uma opção comum. A vida comunitária de estudante prolonga-se no tempo, e vai adiando decisões de estabilidade.

Nunca fazem greve porque os seus empregos são demasiado precários e habituaram-se a ser pouco reinvidicativos. Talvez pelo trauma de voltarem a ser chamados rasca de cada vez que se lembram de manifestar insatisfação por algo que não é considerado um ideal 'maior'.

Vivem sem saber se terão trabalho no mês que vem, fazem um novo tipo de 'biscate'. Entre o recibo verde e a bolsa de investigação, sorte têm aqueles que conseguem um contrato - a termo, é claro - e, já agora, por mais de um ano.

O 'pessoal da bolsa de investigação' chega aos trinta (e tal) sem nunca ter feito um único desconto para o Estado, apesar de trabalhar há anos, sem nunca ter recebido um subsídio, sem quaisquer regalias sociais. É um estatuto cada vez mais comum que pode durar anos.

Não conseguem comprar casa e já se habituaram ao cartão de crédito, aliado precioso para os últimos dias do mês.

Não fazem poupanças e vivem no limbo entre a casa alugada, a viagem de autocarro ou, num estádio já mais complexo, a cada vez mais comum relação à distância. Cada um tem de migrar para onde há trabalho, o que significa tantas vezes ver a vida em comum reduzida ao fim de semana.

Há muitos designers nesta geração sem amanhã. Os que podem ficar por cá com toda a segurança são médicos ou informáticos. Os outros todos, até os engenheiros civis, outrora tão solicitados, fogem cada vez mais para outras paragens.

No dia do trabalhador, lembrei-me de generalizar sobre uma geração com razões para reinvindicar. Pouco valorizado, o seu trabalho é precário e mal remunerado. São interessados e competentes, mas ainda assim têm muita dificuldade em construir uma carreira interessante.

Há 201 anos, a 1 de Maio de 1886, centenas de milhares de pessoas reivindicaram uma redução das horas de trabalho nas ruas de Chicago. Essa manifestação prolongou-se por dias e da batalha entre manifestantes e polícias resultaram vários mortos, de ambos os lados.

O 1º de Maio ficou então marcado pela luta por oito horas de trabalho diário e foi chegando aos vários países onde hoje continua a celebrar-se o Dia do Trabalhador.

- Mas o que significa agora este dia? Se tivessem coragem de falar, qual seria o grito de guerra desta geração outrora 'rasca' e hoje periclitante na corda bamba da empregabilidade?

PS: foi isto que aconteceu a minha geracao de que apelidavam de rasca?

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Only the brave(s) survive

When 2 weekends ago talking with a friend I mentioned:
"Why shouldn’t we do a trilogy of the Lord of the Rings??
Everything in a row... starting in the morning and ending at night?"
The reactions were quite positive and hence the invitation followed...
The name of the operation: "Only the braves survive"!!

At my place with the superb help of Ana G. (computer and surround system) and Luis (with the projector) we set-up the scene in Zaventem...
Amazing picture at the wall and a fabulous thrilling sound... and more important great fellowship!
Everyone understood that this will be just a perfect session!!

Will we have the courage for a new session?

Planned Schedule:
10:30: People arriving prepared (for what some will call massacre and others paradise)
11:00: People at their seats (or better known as floor) prepared to see Movie #1: The Fellowship of the Ring
15:00: Lunch
15:45: People at their seats (or better known as floor) prepared to see Movie #2: The Two Towers
20:00: Dinner
21:00: People at their seats (or better known as floor) prepared to see Movie #3: The Return of the King
01:30 ad-journ

Slightly different from what happen, nonetheless, we catch-up pretty well the initial delay.

Luis had the great idea of taking pictures of our positions each 5 minutes on an automated camcorder… the result is the following (what I laughed!!):

Monday, April 23, 2007


25/04/2007: Brussels-Oslo SK 4744 10:35-12:30
26/04/2007: Oslo-Brussels SK 4745 17:10-19:05

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Las Vegas Video

Grand Canyon video III

Grand Canyon video II

Grand Canyon video I

Route 66

Easter and beyond...


Before I forget, I just wanted to write to wish you a pleasant spring and Happy Easter.

The past couple of weeks have seen us here at the Novitiate continue our study of the Constitutions of the Society, as well as the vows of chastity and obedience. We have continued to work in our apostolates. This past weekend, our superiors treated us to a weekend in Santa Barbara, due in part to the fact that the facilities at the novitiate were being used for an event.

Our house jobs have changed and now I am the beadle, as well as the brooms boss. For those of you unfamiliar with this term, the beadle acts as the liaison between his classmates and the superiors. He confers with the novice master every evening to prepare the daily ordo and if necessary, discuss any issues that have arisen and need to be addressed. The beadle also keeps the official log of all activities that have been going on in the novitiate, and when the superiors are not around, though this rarely happens, he is in charge. As for the brooms boss, he is responsible for keeping the common areas of the house clean, so that involves vacuuming, dusting, and trash removal.

In comparison to my previous jobs -- guest master, haustus rex, and music rex, these new jobs may be a step up or a step down, depending on how you look at it! Since December, I have been responsible for cleaning guest rooms, preparing snacks for any type of social gathering, and choosing what we would sing at liturgies.

On April 15, we will depart on our pilgrimages, and be on the road for about 3 weeks. There is really not a whole lot that I can say about that other than the fact that we will all be making individual journeys with limited resources. Pray for us if you're so inclined. I'll be happy to discuss the pilgrimages that my novice brothers and I make in my next message.

Until then...

Monday, April 09, 2007

USA pics

Below you could find the pics related with my last week in Washington and vacations at California, Nevada and Arizona states...

I hope that you´ll enjoy the pics as much as I did!

More can be found here!!

Grand Canyon trip

Las Vegas

Los Angeles

Pacific Highway #1 trip